This evening begin with a 'masterclass' from none other than Glen Keane, who was visiting Paris in conjunction with the imminent release of 'Tangled' (Raiponce) and the opening of his exhibition at Galerie Arludik .
The 'masterclass' was held in a conference room in the French equivalent of an HMV and was in fact an hour long talk/summary of his career, leading towards some design/research drawings/tests from 'Tangled' being shown (Video to Follow!). What was really impressive was that he did it all in French! (and yes, the term 'Sculptural Drawing' was used!)
He slipped away straight after the talk and we then went over to the gallery where he was to be found hidden amongst the throng of the opening night. It's not really my thing, thrust myself upon a 'celeb' in an environment where it's impossible to properly 'meet' them and get to know them as a person, but it was Glen Keane after all, so I pounced upon him for a very quick chat and a photo! :/
The work will be on display until January I think, and includes original Disney frames (not for sale) and a collection of his own personal studies and life drawing (which are for sale if you happen to have €1900).
Tomorrow will be my last day on 'Titeuf' so just thought i'd give a quick word of thanks to the team at Neomis and Moonscoop, especially Bruno, Greg and Nicolas..... Merci pour tous que vous avez m'appris!
'Till the Next,
Sounds pretty awesome!
Hey Laurent! Great pictures and photograph! You're really lucky :D
Hope you are well.
Iona :)
dude thats pretty cool! Not jealous at all haha!
When you back in the UK? Im thinkin if its worth popping over to Paris to see the exhibition!
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