I was in the midst of doing some CG animation when the Rig started playing up. So in the time it took for a kind '11 Second Club' member to get back to my plea on the forum, I started this piece. Will get back to the animation tomorrow. If it's not up before the New Year..... All the best to everyone for 2011! May it see you through happy and healthy!
'Till the Next,
noice dude! Thanks for drawing me haha! :D
Sweeeeeeet!!! Ken, ur looking HOT!! ;)
Loving the pose and the textures dude!!!
Nice colours and i like the frameing too!!
Keep the paintings coming!!
Hope the CG all animation all works out!!
Bless your face ;D
hey man I am really glad I came across your blog great stuff here keep it up I cant wait to see more
Thanks guys!
I'm trying my best to keep the workflow up!
The CG piece is still in the works...... But hey, it's closer to being finished now than it ever has been! ;)
Ken, Santa, Finger paints ~ All cool! Really neat stuff.
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