Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crocodile Scars and Snowbaths

So I wanted to try and use something other than charcoal :'D
My first thought was paint, as I had started to dabble with it a while back - but I only had acrylics and a paintbrush that had never been taken care of (and was more like a spatula than a brush(!)). Never the less, these are what came out! As always, I'm really focusing on the shadows to describe the form. I'm a fan of directional light :3
Donc, je voulais utiliser autre chose que du fusain :'D
Ma première pensée était la peinture, car il y avais un moment quand j'ai commencé a l'utiliser... Mais j'avais que de l'acrylique, et un pinceau pourri. Voici les résultats! Comme d'habitude, je me concentre sur les ombres pour décrire les formes. Je suis fan de la lumière directe :3

I then tried Ink with a new brush! Woot! But I still need to figure out how to use it :'D These look a little muddy...
I recently aquired some Life Drawing video tutorials of Vilppu... and I'm like, "Woooah". So hopefully I can learn some stuff and start to apply them to my sessions n.n
En suite, j'essayais l’encre avec un nouveau pinceau! Woot! Mais il faut que je sache comment l'utiliser :'D Celle ci ont l'air un peu salle...
Récemment j'ai obtenu des vidéos tutos pour croquis de nu par Vilppu... et je suis comme ça, "Whooah". Donc j’espère d'appliquer ce que j'apprends dans les cours suivants n.n

Poses between 10-20min

"...if you're hungry before going out to draw.. weeell. you don't get much drawing done!"

'Till the Next,


jules said...

Tres chouette les nus a l'acrylique !

DSM said...

Like these mucho.

Stine Sæthre said...

Gee, I wonder what that title is all about hmm.. and naked people!! :D Your life drawings are so good, Laurent!
WoooahhhzzzZZ ;)
That quote.. so true, so true.. wise words~

Anyways, ginormous crowds, here I come!

Ben Ho said...

Oh mate! You are killing it with these latest drawings! Good form, you can really tel the volume involved from these drawings. Good one Sir!

Joël CORCIA said...

Coucou Laurent ! Gros level up de gens à poils ! Les acryliques sont superbes ! Joli visage la dernière ! Je t'embrasse a bientot j'espère (pour enfin un street ?)

Rubber Onion said...

I love the hinted form in the first set of images

Helen Ström said...

Value is almost everything... (almost)!
You can also try to paint directly without drawing, to exercise a bit more.
Great work!!
A hug! Helen

L Rossi said...

Merci n.n

Thank you!

Gah you're too kind! :'3
Wise words indeed!! Definitely from a master draughtsman (or woman :P)

Ah cheers man!! n.n Hope you are keeping well Sir!

Merci mon ami!
Allez!! C'est fait :P A dimanche!!

@Rubber Onion
Thank you kindly!

Merciii n.n
Je vais essayer, pour toi, d'en faire une ou deux avec que la peinture.... mais je crois que ça vas être pas terrible :'D

fados do lar said...

Your work with paint is great! I really like the way you are able to sugest the entire shape, working with the shadows and significant light.
The portait with pencil is also amazing.
So ... now i am curious about that drawing you said you did of your feet :D... are you really leaving it on your sketchbook? :D

J Lou said...

whaaa so good! really nice approach on those figures, and lovely portrait! very clean~~

Oh definitely, I gotta grub on somethin before I draw! Otherwise I get easily grouchy with my art work XD

Frankie Swan said...

now your being ridiculous!! damn these are something else.

Anonymous said...

You're just hatin' on yourself, man. ;) These turned out amazing. Coming to your blog always makes me want to draw like crazy.

L Rossi said...

Thank you!n.n
I think that particular drawing will stay in my sketchbook :'D BUT I will try and do another one just for you ;)

Hey, Cheers Jamie! n.n
:D But not too much though, 'cos then you get all sleepy and just want to lie down!

Thanks so much man - really appreciate it! :')
You can have that one if you like, no jokes! C'est pour toi mon ami!
I'll get your address via mail...

Ridiculous! I love that! X'DD
Cheers man!

Awww thanks so much dude! I'm glad...

Toniko said...


L Rossi said...

Yeah! (Sorry I haven't been in touch yet :S I WILL DO IT RIGHT NOW!!)
And that would be amazing! ART TRADE!! Woot n.n

Aww I'm not scary :'D
Thanks man!!

Anthony Holden said...

These are so DOPE, dude! I'm inspired. Probably one of the biggest things I miss about LA is the figure drawing--much harder to find a session in Portland.

Hope you enjoy your holidays!