So it turns out the last piece of traditional 2D animation I did was about one and a half years ago..... hmm....that really isn't good! Even though i've been working ON/IN traditional animation as an assistant, it's not the same thing, and in fact it actually kind of hindered me with this! I told myself before I started, "C'mon now Rossi, remember, you gotta work rough - keep it loose", and after a few frames in i'm already tying down stuff! So it seems this is my habit when i'm sat in front of a lightbox and it's one I've really gotta shake off If I'm going to improve my animation...
I know some animators who do animate clean, and they do great stuff, but it's not the way I want to do it :/
(Don't forget to FULLSCREEN!)
That said, I'm happy with how it turned out all things considered. I think my only gripe is I should have slowed things down in places.
UPDATE: I changed the timing slightly and gave a bit more room to breathe during the withdrawal section, and before she kicks the door shut for a bit more anticipation. I'm not going to upload it, I'll just put it in the reel.
On another note, who's excited about Titeuf?!
You know.... Titeuf......the little Fren...... Oh never mind!

I'm excited :) As far as I know it's the first 2D film in to be shown in 3D, and though I was dubious at first, I am intrigued to see the pop-up book effect!
If anyone was getting used to me posting animation tests then I'm sorry to say that I probably won't be posting anymore for a while (aside from posting a 2011 Showreel). My next endeavour is to get acquainted with After Effects....... i'll let you know how that goes :)
'Till the Next,
So cool!
WOOOOOOWW, you've been busy, sorry dude, I just got your email, I'll call you tomorrow or something but this looks great. Your a more "powerful" animator than me at the moment so it feels weird when you ask me for advice, I dont think it feels too fast at all. I like the snap when she takes the stuff out the fridge, it feels natural. The one thing Im not sure about is the pause when she gets the box out. Her breast feel erm....watery. Maybe you could er look at some breasts for ref (don't have too much fun researching :) Other than that, There is a MASSIVE difference in your 2D. I dont know if you have bu look at the last thing you did in 2d. This is awesome man. your a bloody good animator. I'll call you because I want to know about your process
LOL you're right man - I'll get on that! Catch you tomorrow,
By the way, congrats on Titeuf. It looks great, cant wait to see it
This is awesome! Unless it's slowing you down too much i wouldn't worry about tying it down early, the result is still great! I agree with wes' advice but well done. looking forward to seeing titeuf!
I've not heard of Titeuf until now, so will look it up! They have made a red bull advert in 3D and it has a very cool effect, but it does emphasis the fact that they are flat drawings, which may or may not be a good thing :S
Also, I really like the weight you give the last bit of food and they way the girl responds to it. :D
@ Mick
Hey man and thanks! I remember we had deep conversations in Olympus about methods and results, and did it really matter HOW something was done, if the result looked as it should......hmmm food for thought! I guess i'm just a traditionalist!
@Thanks Robyn,
Yeah i'm so intrigued by it! It's like we draw them 2D to make them look volumous and within a 3D environment, and then they convert it into '3D' so as to create a pop up book effect which could make them look flat..... so does that cancel each other out..... the mind boggles!
@ Dude you read my mind! I actually had thought of going in to each frame and doing the lighting exactly as you imagined - then reality dawned and I realised I didn't have the time. But I agree it would have been a nice touch!
So it'll 'Sifu Monsieur Rossi' lol
Wow. you are really good. congratulations!! :)
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