"I'm already born I'm already wise"
The last time I posted some Life Drawing you may have noticed I made some Gifs with the quicker poses. I liked the way one pose could lead to another, even if it wasn't in the order the model themselves proceeded (it's an occupational hazard to want to make things move :3).
I don't know about you, but I find 30 second poses quite tricky, which is why I keep them pretty small and all together on one page. Looking upon a recent sheet of 30 second poses, it was almost like I was given a catalogue of Key frames and told to make some kind of movement. I started to think, which ones could I use for a breakdown?

I love breakdowns :) I love the fact you can take two poses and go from one to the other however the hell you want. We are often told to focus on the Key poses, the storytelling poses, but how you go from A to B not only defines the style of animation - Realistic? Cartoony? - it defines the physical properties of the thing that's moving. You could have two tests with the same keys but everything will change depending on how you chose to play with lovely things like anticipation and overlap and overshoot and spacing and bla bla bla...
So case in point.
From my page of poses above, I chose two keys (RED) and a few possible breakdowns ((BLUE=standard)(YELLOW=Overly Ambitious!)).

As you can see, same keys, but completely different outcome n.n
The one below is a bit crazy - I added in an extra drawing from the page (GREY) but they don't really work together - the arms and head don't flow properly... BUT it was well worth a shot ;P

Apart from seeing breakdowns everywhere I look, I've also been trying to experiment with different mediums a little n.n
I like using ink *w*
And to finish off, these were my efforts from this weeks session. I like the method I stumbled upon towards the end (10 min poses)... a mixed media barrage of Ink, Conté with water and Ebony Pencil.... though my mark making was a little too delicate for the scanner to really pick it up...
Regular Life Drawing partners in crime, Nölwenn and Nico's work can be seen by clicking on their respective names.
But Nico hasn't created his Tumblr yet, so....
HEY NICO!! Dépêche-toi pour que je puisse mettre le lien ;P
But Nico hasn't created his Tumblr yet, so....
HEY NICO!! Dépêche-toi pour que je puisse mettre le lien ;P
I'll just take the opportunity to wish all you Final Year Animation students, (be it Bournemouth, Gobelins, or wherever!) the best of luck finishing off your grad films over the next couple of months!!!
'Till the Next,
P.S That's the closest thing I've done to 2d animation in 2 years :'D
Du coup, j'aime bien le fait que les poses courts, quand ils sont tous organisé sur une feuille, donnent l'impression d'etre des poses clés. J'en profite et imagine quelle pose peut être le Breakdown et.... voila ce qui se passe :3 On peut prendre les mêmes clés, mais la façon de bouger entre les deux est ce que va déterminer le style d'anim.
ET bon courage pour tous les étudiants en dernière année en ces temps très douloureux n.n
Hoooo I love the 3 last drawings! So cool to mix mediums!!
I think 30 second poses are the most interesting ones in terms of catching the spirit of the pose, and yours are so cool (=
t'as pris du gros level Raulent ! Bravo !! T'es beau !
ohhh mann! c'est super beau!!! bravo mec! :D
Really cool to see how your animator's mind work. Inventive work to link the life drawing poses together.
Amazing to see "what YOU can do"!!!
Love tha animations and the ink paintings you should really continue those if you can! Inspiring to me! Hope you're doing good otherwise. Warm hugs!
Amazing material Laurent! I feel like you're improving your skills a lot those days.
I litteraly LOVE the three last ones, the mix of techniques gives a reaaaaally nice result, the drawing is solid, and the beautiful Manon is... beautiful (sigh).
For the tumblr stuff, well, let's say I'm currently kind of thinking about it ;).
Thanks muchacho!
C'est toi qui est beau Jo! Merci beaucoup n.n
Merci mec! :)))
Thank you sir! Hope you're keeping well! See you at Annecy no doubt! ;P
Hey Helen!! :)
Thanks for your kind words! Will definietly keep exploring! All is well this side of Paris ;) Really hope you're doing well too!
:'D Thanks man
Thanks for the comment *.* Looking forward to seeing your work all together - 'thinking about it' is the first step :)
Hope you have recovered from that session ;P
Eh, j'aime bien tes dessins !
LOL that's amazing!! :D 30s are super tricky. More please! Lovely ink and watercolors ^^
Merci beaucoup! n.n
Ok I'll do my best! :D Though last week's session was a complete disaster so you may have to wait a bit ;P
Really cool and interesting post dude! I'm gonna try keeping my quick poses smaller next time too.
And love the inky life drawings... Might try it myself soon
Ah! Les deux premiers il faudrait en faire des posters ils sont tellement beau! Bravo j'aime toujours autant tes croquis de nus! :)
Cheers man! Make sure you post your test - it was looking sweet! :)
:D Merci beaucoup, Ophélie!
N’hésites pas a les imprimer et afficher sur tes murs ;P
Bon courage pour la fin de l’année!
almost crying, and not sure if because of the quality of your drawings (which are impressive) or because of the students' "cheers up"
see you soon in annecy!
:D It could also be Hay Fever.... it is that time of year ;P
Merci Cambocha!
J'ai hâte pour Annecy!! On se verra bientôt! n.n
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