(This post was updated with the last sketches of 2011)
Hey, I know I said I wouldn't.... but it is Christmas after all ;)
...and plus, I don't have the energy to do a card this year :S... so I hope these 3D bits, along with some choice words, will suffice in conveying my Best Wishes to you all this holiday season :)
Back home in the UK now, and very tired (and a little bit poorly). I had planned to do some work (lol yeah I KNOW!!) But honestly, it's time for me to Chill Out!! I need it....
But before the end of the school year I WILL fix the things I didn't have time to in these exercises, and correct things based on the feedback I got from the tutors... just not now :P
A couple of weeks before leaving we began working on our Film de Fin d'Etudes! I have the absolute pleasure of being in a team with Joel, Bung, Thomas and Bernard. Ils sont ARCHI fort! Mais nous aurons du travail a faire, c'est sur...
We have our story, and now it's all about storyboard, research, design etc.
If you want to know what the story's about.... come back in 6 months!! :P
Yeah yeah... Scrooge, I know u.u
So wherever you are this Christmas, have an enjoyable time with friends and family, and I wish you a Very Happy and Healthy 2012!
'Till the Next,
P.S Crêpe au Fromages de chèvre, Jambon et Miel.... Allez-y!!!
P.P.S As much as it's weird to hear English accents again... I do like the English countryside :)
Enjoyed the 4,3-deeez. I don't know to do that! Take it ez; and Happy Christmas!
Gotta keep this quick atm but awesome animation so far! Can't wait to see what's happening in... 6 months >:'D Happy holidays!
:O :O
All of your & team mate's work is soo.gooddd! can not wait to see more! n,n
BEAUTIFUL animation! Your horse walk is lovely and I love the weight in yer man when he takes the case from between the boxes.
Merry Christmas!
Hey man! Lovely lovely reel! Gosh your getting to some next level bro.
Lovely drawings as well. L Rossi's taking over :)
Merry Chrimbo mate! :)
Nice reel! Those horse animations are great.
So strange, I could of sworn I left a message. Dude your animation is on a next level. Really Inspirational bro. Have a good one!! ( Christmas that is)
Hey dude!
You posted! AT LAST! :D
Awesome stuff man. Loving the amination, the horse is so cool :D
All the best for 2012 man its gonna be an epic year. And hope youre feeling better soon dude.
I'm glad :) Thanks!
Cheers! You too! :)
Ha! They're alright :P
And you will... soon enough ;)
Thank you kindly!
Aww cheers dude - I'm glad you approve! Hope you had a good one!!
Thank you Sir! Wow, people are liking the horse :'D
Thanks dude - you know that means a lot! Always value your opinion... and good to know you got my back ;P
Hope you had a nice Christmas!
Ah Kenny..... I'm so sorry I kept you waiting :P
Cheers man - and to you too!
(Yep - getting there, maybe in a day or two I'll be back to 100% :))
Déjà je commence par ton exercice de lipsync qui m'a le plus marqué: c'est excellent; on sent vraiment que ton personnage a une âme! Tous ces petits mouvements que tu as fait au niveau des mains, les jeux du regard..c'était très bien pensé et ça fait tellement plaisir à voir! (J'ai regardé au moins 5 fois la séquence!)
Merci pour ton message sur le blog; ça m'a vraiment fait très plaisir et c'est très encourageant! Je suis en stage en ce moment donc pas vraiment de vacances pour ma dernière semaine. J'espère que tu as bien pu profiter des tiennes! Take care; keep up the great work and yeah; we're all ready for the second semester! ;)
Awesome stuff as always Laurent! The lip synch is especially nice! Love the sincerity at the beginning and emphasis on the 'really'
Happy New Year!:)
Merci M. Antonelli!
I'm feeling better thanks! :)
And a Happy New Year to you too! - I heard a new adventure is on the horizon for you!! I wish you all the best man!! (And I look forward to seeing what your sketches look like upside-down ;)
Take Care!
Merci, c'est trop gentil :)
Eh quoi! Tu fais un stage pendant les vacances de noel!? T'es forte!! ;)
Ah thanks dude!
Happy New Year to you too!! (Who knows, maybe in 2012 I might pop into AUCB...:))
Thanks for the kind words buddy! FYI i'm a pretty big fan of your Project Gouken animation. It is definitely a minute of awesome. Well done! Sort of working on an animation of my own at the moment, yours was quite inspiring. Have a good holiday buddy and all the best for the new year! Keep it up!
Damn. Your whole blog is a joy! Especially excited to see hand drawn animation, keep it comin!
I love all these sketches, fantastic work... :)
Whoa cool! Very fluid 3D work! More animation pleeease~ Sketches are always fun to look at! Hope you're having an awesome new year! :D
You've still not animated that cube for me yet!
Just seen i never commented on this post?? Whoops!!
I'm sure i told you this already, but if not, like always you never fail to impress me Mr Rossi.
Your animation is beautiful. I love the subtleness of the lip sync girl and the horse with his little head shake. SUPER!!! :D
Your sketch book stuff is lush like always, but what impresses me even more is how small they all are. I had no idea your drawing in the tiny moleskins these days. Man, that Disney Sketch book i gave you must seam like a beast to you now!! hee hee!! ;)
I like how the sketch in the starbucks turned out and i'm assuming the last pic is you on your way back home from our rendezvous?? So the blokey in the picture- is that your twin or your reflection?? :P heehee!! It's funny as i ran out of people to draw and drew my reflection from the window on my journey back too!! hee hee ;)
All the best for an exciting, happy, healthy and successful year ahead!! :D
Aww thanks Mihir! I look forward to seeing that animation of yours!! :)
Thank you - I'll do my best! (Keep it a secret, but maybe our final year film will be hand-drawn.... but don't tell anyone!)
Cheeeerrs! :)
Not much animation going on at the minute... it's all still Storyboard and Design... but soon... very soon!
Thanks once again for stopping by!
@James 'Shin' Hing
I'm not that good yet!!! Maybe when I retire and have a few decades worth of experience under my belt.... but by then maybe I'll be too frail to withstand that kind of intense trial :P
Thank yooou! :)
Yes, I haven't cracked open that sketchbook yet! :'D (Though I haven't actually done any sketching since I came back to Paris....)
Yeah :D Being on a train in the dark is somewhat annoying 'cos you can't look out the window.... you just see reflections EVERYWHERE... so I used it to my advantage :)
Really great stuff here! I need to visit back here more often. :)
super cool!
Reaaaalllyyy beautiful work! Very good composition in the pages, and very sensitive, that's really good Laurent!
@C.Deboda, XOPICHILLI & Nawell
Thanks so much for you kind words folks!
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