Very happy to have gone to Life Drawing again :D
The last time I went, I played it quite safe - staying in my comfort zone of Brown/White Pencil and brown paper. Yesterday I went out and got some acrylics and Charcoal with the intention of letting loose a bit more - I started with the charcoal.... and found that hard enough, so I stayed fairly safe yet again.......acrylics will have to wait! :/
In the session (and I guess most Life Drawing classes in general) we start with quick 2 mins, then move up to 5, 10, and then 20. I really understand that you need to warm up - my first drawings are horrible - so by the time I kind of get into the swing of things, I'm perhaps at the 10-20min poses..... and this got me thinking. Maybe it would be good to 'warm down' with quick poses. I might split my final 20min poses up so that it's an 18 and 2, that way I might get a quick sketch that isn't a disastrous warm up exercise, but one that I can do when I'm already warmed up and in the flow. If that makes sense!?
Minutes: 5,20,20,10,10
(I hate taking photos of work - I'll see if I can get a cheap scanner...)
'Till the Next,
(I've also just noticed that the 2nd 20 min pose in this post is the same as one of the poses from last time - luckily from a different angle!)
Update 02/05/2011 - replaced photos with scans for first 3 images
These are beautiful!!
I love it when you work a lot looser. Your lines are so fluid and accurate. Cant wait to see you crack open the acrylics!! :)
They are all lovely, but i think i like the 3rd one the best. The volume is fantastic. The white highlights on the 2nd one really make the volume of the figure pop!! (Thats a good thing!) :) The rib cage and the hip bones really stand out! It really makes the figure look alive!
Since getting back into life drawing myself, iv found i have really struggled with the fast 'warm up' poses. At the classes i have been recently going to, they tend to only do really long poses... which is great for getting all the detail in and really working your picture, but i think i should maybe try your theory of finishing a few minutes early and getting in a couple of 'warm down' poses in towards the end of the pose!! ;)
These are great and it's amazing to see your draftsmanship get stronger with every post!!
Next life drawing session, crack open the acrylics!! Get your paws messy!! :)
Take care and speak to you soon,
I enjoy all of these; the first's hand gesture!
Thanks for the kind comment on my blog. These are really beautiful. :)
The first drawing speaks volumes. I love the face the pose, the everything. Charcoal suits you
Seriously now, I'm seeing improvement on every post. kristian is right, charcoal does suit you. They hall have such a great feeling of honesty and sensitivity. Well done Monsieur Rossi
Glad you like 'em :) And glad also that you're getting back into classes too - let me know if 'warming down' works for you!
Thank you!
Thanks - means a lot coming from a talented artist such as yourself :)
Thanks man! That's my favourite too :) It's funny - it's the one I forgot I did 'till I looked through everything after!
I'll keep with the charcoal for 2-5mins I think, then I'll try acrylics for the 10-20mins.... I may need a practice beforehand though!
Aww Thanks dude! Someone in the class said something along the same lines - I guess i'm a sensitive guy(!) lol
lovely my friend! the 3rd one down is a favorite. really strong back study.
but they are all really top notch! well done sir
Thank you Sir! :)
Lovely work as always, Laurent. I watched your new showreel recently too. Loved it! Very impressive, some really beautiful animation in there. x
Hey! Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you liked my reel :)
Hope you're keeping well!
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